Structure of a niobium germanosilicate glass, in the GeO2-SiO2-Nb2O5-K2O
system. Each Nb5+ is surrounded by six bridging O2- plus a K+, while each
Ge4+, Si4+ is surrounded by four bridging O2- (to get the correct
stechiometry, the next Nb5+ octahedra and K+ must be considered).
L. Santos et all, NCM 10 - 10th International Conference on
the Structure of Non-Crystalline Materials, 18-22 Sept. 2006, Praha,
Czech Republic. Enlightenment on Fedora 8. Size: 60,895 bytes.

Arbitrary ranges of crystallographic planes and directions can
now be obtained in Gamgi, as exemplified here for a hP lattice
(5x5x2 prisma cells, showing (001) planes with order from 3 to 9)
and an oF lattice (10x10x10 Wigner-Seitz cells, showing all [100]
directions that fit between planes (020) with orders 3 to 9,
and planes (002) with orders 6 to 9). Enlightenment on
Fedora 8. Size: 55,181 bytes.

On the right, chalcopyrite, CuFeS2, with four copper, four iron and eight sulfur
atoms in the cell. The space group is 82 with a=5.289 A and c=10.423 A. Wyckoff positions:
Cu (0,0,0) and (0, 0.5, 0.25), S (0.2575, 0.25, 0.125), Fe (0, 0, 0.5) and (0, 0.5, 0.75).
This cooper mineral is antiferromagnetic at room temperature, so the first (violet) and
second iron types (red) have opposite spins. Plane (110) has been detached from cell to
show the diagonal arrangement.
On the left, a barbiturate, a class of drugs used to treat sleep disorders, with
an atomic plane detached from the molecule to clarify the ring arrangement. Planes
and directions can be created with varying degrees of autonomy, to help build and
analyse atomic structures. Gnome on Ubuntu 7.10. Size: 43,653 bytes.

Glycine, NH2CH2COOH, the smallest of the 20 aminoacids commonly found
in proteines, starting with the G letter, is the new Gamgi graphic symbol.
When rendered in solid style, Glycine is well suited to produce square,
small but distinguished icons. This screenshot shows the original
image rendered in Gamgi and one of the Tango! icons created by
in the Gnome panel below (Fedora 8). Size: 80,779 bytes.

The new notebook-style for Atom->Create dialog, with the Periodic Table
of the Elements, showing its default color scheme, mainly adopted from
Gabedit, with a few alterations coming from InsightII. KDE on Fedora 8.
Size: 57,375 bytes.