Symmetry point group, operations and elements,
for cubic C476, a fullerene. GAMGI can determine all point
groups of symmetry and symmetry operations, including improper
rotations of any order, numerical precision permiting. The code
is currently a bit slow but seems to be robust.
Size: 37,294 bytes.

Symbol characters, extruded from a Vera Serif Truetype font,
illuminated by a directional light, in a layer with perspective
projection. With Euler angles for the text object set to (0,0,0),
in a layer with orthographic projection, these 3D fonts will look
exactly as a normal 2D bitmap font. Many thanks to Allen Barnett,
Linas Vepstas (OGLFT, GLE libraries) which code we used, and the
Freetype team. Size: 43,483 bytes.

A wired, stroked font, digitized by Hershey, and a solid, extruded font,
made with code from OGLFT and GLE libraries, using the Truetype Vera
Serif font designed by Bitstream. The solid font is illuminated by two
directional lights, one from the back, another from the front, plus a
spot light pointing to the "G". Solid and wired texts are represented
in different layers, so lights do not affect the wired text. Currently
GAMGI supports 14 stroked and 10 extruded fonts. Size: 51,171 bytes.

Hexagonal conventional cell for Calcite (group R-3c), with 30 atoms
inside (6 Ca, 6 C, 18 O), showing the Cell->Link dialog used to add
atoms (and other structural objects) to cells, when the space group
is known or otherwise just by entering the motif. The dialog exemplifies
how to enter the Oxygen atoms, in Wyckoff positions e: for these
positions only the x coordinate is needed, so y,z entries are
automatically disabled. For each menu item describing a Wyckoff site,
the number of generated positions per node and the site oriented
point symmetry are also shown. Size: 76,714 bytes.

Stereographic projection for cubic (left) and hexagonal
(right, with c/a = 1.6333) primitive lattices, seen along
[001] direction. Poles of all planes (in yellow)
and traces of all directions (in blue) with indices in the
range [-1,+1] are represented. Planes with one indice equal
to -2 or 2 are also shown. Planes and directions projected
in the half-sphere below are not visible. Stereographic
projections can be represented in GAMGI for all Bravais lattices.
Size: 27,913 bytes.

Face centered reciprocal lattice (on white) of a body centered orthorhombic
lattice (a=1.0, b=2.0, c=3.0), represented by 2 x 2 x 2 conventional cells.
The primitive reciprocal lattice (on grey) of the corresponding primitive
orthorhombic lattice is also shown. Each conventional cell of
the face-centered reciprocal lattice contains 2x2x2 conventional
cells of the primitive reciprocal lattice. Reciprocal lattices
can be obtained in GAMGI for all Bravais lattices. Size: 24,657 bytes.