File Export

Set here the complete address of the file to export.


Choose here the directory (folder) to start searching. Initially the default is the Current working directory. When the dialog is reopen, Places always show the Last folder.


Single click on a folder name, to select that folder. Click on .. to go to the previous folder. The current folder is indicated by the Path label below.


Single click on a file name to transport its name to the File entry below. The complete filename is formed by the contents of the Path label plus the File entry. Currently the full file name must have less than 200 characters and the actual file name must have less than 50 characters.

After pressing Ok, a confirmation dialog is shown if the selected file already exists, to make it more difficult to overwrite a file by accident.

Currently GAMGI can export in the following formats: 1) native XML (extension .xml); 2) xyz (extension .xyz); 3) rasterized color postscript (extension .ps); 4) png (extension .png); 5) jpeg (extension .jpg or .jpeg); 6) tiff (extension (.tif or .tiff). GAMGI always uses the file extension to decide the file format, so for example a proper xyz file with an extension .xml will be parsed as a XML file and flagged down as an invalid file. When the filename has no extension, GAMGI assumes it is written in its native XML format.

To export to png, jpeg and tiff formats, the following programs must be installed: pnmtopng, pnmtojpeg and pnmtotiff.

GAMGI accepted formats are described in the documentation in Manuals->Formats and online on Help->Topic->Formats.

In XML format, the exported data is always the selected object. For example, to export the current layer, the current window or the current program (everything), just press twice the label Layer, Window or Gamgi respectively, in the top menu, with the mouse middle button.

GAMGI XML format is a vectorial format, so all information is preserved in the file, including non-default configuration data. Configuration data is always written in the beginning of the file, so it is already loaded when the object data is imported (a necessary step to guarantee that after importing the file the initial state is fully restored again).
