Cell Create

o1, o2, o3

o1, o2, o3 describe the coordinates of the node in the lower-left corner of the cell where the new origin is, calculated with conventional or primitive cell vectors.

The cell position, given by the coordinates x,y,z of the origin node, is not affected by a change in the origin node, so the new origin node must occupy the position kept by the previous origin node, forcing a cell translation. The new cell origin can be outside the current cell volume.

Example: <cell ... o1="0" o2="0" o3="0"/> (default)
Allowed values: integer (optional, coupled)


When the lattice is centered and vectors are conventional, a fourth coordinate o4 is needed to point the new origin node (000) to one of the centered nodes. By default, o4 is 000, so no change is introduced. When the cell lattice is primitive P or the vectors defining the origin are primitive, that is the only possible value for o4. For I, C, F, R centered lattices, o4 can also take the values:
I: 111
C: 110
F: 110, 101, 011
R: 211, 122
corresponding to the numerators of the inner node coordinates, (1/2 1/2 1/2) for I lattices, (1/2 1/2 0) for C lattices, (0 1/2 1/2) (1/2 0 1/2) (1/2 1/2 0) for F lattices and (1/3 2/3 2/3) (2/3 1/3 1/3) for R lattices.
Example: <cell ... o4="000"/> (default)
Allowed values: 000, 111, 110
101, 011, 211, 122 (optional)


Defines the type of cell vectors, conventional or primitive, used to determine the node with o1, o2, o3 coordinates, as described above. When o4 is not 000, a centered cell is involved, so origin_vectors must be conventional.

When the lattice is primitive or vectors are primitive, this corner node becomes the new origin node (000) and no more coordinates are needed.

Example: <cell ... origin_vectors="conventional"/> (default)
Allowed values: conventional, primitive (optional)


Controls whether cell axes are visible. Axes are positioned at node (000), and can be represented either by conventional or by primitive vectors. The three axes use the rgb color scheme: red for the first axis, green for the second and blue for the third.
Example: <cell ... axes="no"/> (default)
Allowed values: yes, no (optional)


Defines the type of cell vectors, conventional or primitive, that should be represented.
Example: <cell ... axes_vectors="conventional"/> (default)
Allowed values: conventional, primitive (optional)