mailing list is intended for people wanting to use GAMGI in their work.
Main discussion topics are: installation problems, how to use GAMGI, the
best techniques to accomplish specific tasks, suggestions about new features
and improved usability, and bug reporting.
mailing list is intended for people wanting to contribute to GAMGI development.
Main discussion topics are: GAMGI design and implementation, scientific and
computer algorithms.
Mailing lists are great, everybody loves them. However, there are a couple of
precautions that people should take into account when subscribing to a public
mailing list:
- If you are going to leave for some time, perhaps on holidays, you may consider
suspending your list subscriptions, to avoid accumulating a large volume of old
messages. If you set an automatic message reply, everyone in the list will receive
it, every time a message is posted to the list. If you switch off your email server,
all the traffic sent to you will be returned and the list will keep trying to resend
all the messages for some time.
- If you automatically forward email traffic to the lists, your messages will be
broadcasted to everyone listed, including to you, so your message will be forwarded
again to list and the two email servers will end up bombarding each other and the whole
list with messages. If indeed this happens, the worse thing list subscribers can do is
to send email to the lists complaining, because these emails will be also automatically
forwarded back to the list, increasing even more the list traffic.
- These lists are public, because everyone can post to them, but the list email
addresses should be kept as private as possible, to avoid spam. For the same reason,
the subscribers email addresses are only available to the administrator.
- Messages posted to the GAMGI mailing lists should be formatted as text only,
as these makes it easy for everybody to read them and keep mail size to a minimum.
- As the messages posted to these lists are archived, attachments and big files
should be avoided as much as possible. When necessary, please consider sending the
files directly to the person who is going to use them.
Although our usage policy regarding these lists is rather liberal and easy going,
try to keep focused on GAMGI subjects, otherwise you may be wasting the time of someone
else. People not behaving responsibly will be suspended from posting to the lists.